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The Clínica Visual y Auditiva de Cali offers a medical service of excellence, with cutting-edge technology and a highly trained human team to care for patients from all over the world.
Schedule your appointment today and discover how to improve your quality of life!
The Clínica Visua y Auditiva of Cali offers a medical service of excellence, with cutting-edge technology and a highly trained human team to care for patients from all over the world.
Schedule your appointment today and discover how to improve your quality of life!
La Clínica Visual y Auditiva de Cali, es un centro de excelencia en el cuidado de la salud de los ojos y los oídos, ofreciendo un servicio médico de alta calidad a pacientes de todo el mundo.
Discover the beauty of Cali, Colombia while transforming lives: Combine your medical treatment with the best technology and healthcare professionals, all within an unforgettable journey supporting the rehabilitation of blind and deafchildren.
Latest technology biomedical equipment
The best specialists and subspecialists
Modern Facilities
Excellent Service
100% laser surgery with the latest technology equipment. Corrects refractive errors such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. Patients between 18 and 40 years old can be operated on.
It is the progressive aging of the natural lens (crystalline) within the eye. At the Clínica Visual y Auditiva we have the ORA equipment that allows us to specify the spherical power of the lens.
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and muscle from the eyelids (upper and lower) and fat pads. This surgery is done for cosmetic reasons.
100% laser surgery with the latest technology equipment. Corrects refractive errors such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. Patients between 18 and 40 years old can be operated on.
A cochlear implant allows people with severe hearing loss to hear by transforming sounds into electrical signals that stimulate the auditory nerve. A surgeon inserts an electrode into the cochlea, while an external device captures sounds and sends them to the brain, restoring auditory perception.
It is an aesthetic procedure that rejuvenates the face by reducing wrinkles and sagging. Small incisions are made to tighten the skin and facial muscles, removing excess tissue. This redefines facial contours, giving a younger and firmer appearance. This surgery is done for cosmetic reasons.
Check your itinerary before contacting us. The stay is usually 5 to 8 business days, although in some cases it may require longer. Also consider holidays in Colombia.
Let us know if you have special needs so we can serve you in the best way. We can also provide you with accommodation information. transportation and other travel arrangements.
We accept various payment methods, such as cash, international transfers and direct bank payment. Payment must be made before each procedure.
The quote we give you details the covered aspects of your care. The final bill may vary as ordered and performed by our medical team.
It is important that you carefully review the budget to know what services are included in your care. Any additional service must be paid separately.
Contamos con personal médico altamente calificado, atención personalizada y equipos de última tecnología garantizando que nuestros pacientes reciban servicios de Oftamología y
Otorrinolaringología de excelente calidad en prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento, cirugía y rehabilitación.
Todos los derechos Reservados Instituto para Niños Ciegos y Sordos 2024